brake / clutch pedal rubber bumper stops

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brake / clutch pedal rubber bumper stops

from $2.02

aren’t you really annoyed at the sound it makes?

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Every time you let out the clutch, every time you let off of the brake pedal….. that metallic thunk. Aren’t you tired of it? He’ll, I’m tired of it and I don’t even drive your rig.

Let’s make everything metallic-thunk free and rubber bump happy. No more annoyingness, just pure silent bliss……. well, at least your pedals…..

Easy install if you can fit under the dash. If you can’t, pay that neighbor kid that mows your lawn to install it, he’s small and pliable.

Priced as EACH

Fits all from 1981 to 05/1990 or pick up and 4Runner (V6 too!) clutch and brake pedal (automatic or manual) 1 required for each

Fits all from 06/1990 to 1995 pick up and 4Runner (v6 too!) clutch pedal uses 2, brake pedal uses 1 (automatic or manual)