Fuel pulsation damper

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Fuel pulsation damper

Sale Price:$155.01 Original Price:$170.01

ya’ know, the leaky thing on your fuel rail….

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You saw the fuel dripping….. you pulled off the plastic cap and then you heard the loose, miniature phillips head screw drop down into the frame/skid plate/abyss. As you found out, a regular screw doesn’t stop the leak either.

This is the puslation damper that attaches the fuel line from your filter to the fuel rail. Yours is leaking. You don’t wan’t fuel leaks. Fuel leaks cause fire. As far as I know, fire isn’t something you want happening under your hood.

Genuine Toyota part. We also include the 2 copper sealing gaskets needed too.

Fits 1984-1988 pick ups and up to 1989 4Runner.

**1989+ pick up and 1990+ 4Runner DO NOT use this configuration. They use just a big ass banjo bolt (I know what you are thinking and the answer is “no”. They do not interchange. The “conversion” to the later style is not possible either since that specfic fuel line is not available from Toyota any longer. Sorry, I tried for other options….)