fuel injector service (we service your injectors)

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85-87 inj set.jpg
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fuel injector service (we service your injectors)

from $150.00

let’s make yours click properly once again

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**this requires you to send your injectors in to be serviced, we do not “sell” injectors here. call if you have questions.

Once your injectors hit our doorstep, Jim will have them serviced and back on the road within 5 to 10 working days….

Jim decided he didn’t really have enough to do and found a few inches of unused real estate in the dyno room, so now we do injector testing and cleaning IN HOUSE!

One or more of your fuel injectors are not doing their job. The 30+ years, poor fuel quality, lack of fuel filter maintenance and the underwood temps have taken their toll. Those little monsters have clicked open and closed MILLIONS of times! Throughout the many years of having injectors done for us and the ones we do here, we have yet to see a set that was perfect when first tested. Poor spray pattern, dripping fuel due to contamination, stuck open pintle, stuck closed pintle, clogged screens are just a few of the reasons to have your injectors tested and cleaned. Ig more it and you are missing out on a properly performing 22RE.

We are building up a supply of cores, so for the time being you’ll have to send your specific injectors in for us to test and clean.

We’ll test your injectors, ultrasonic clean them test again. We install new filter screens, pintle caps and all 3 seals (per injector). Price shown is for a set of 4.

**please note: some injectors can fail electrically, some can leak externally and some are in such bad shape that they will not come back to life. If one or more of yours falls into this category, we’ll do our best to find a replacement for you, but of course there will be an extra cost if that happens. Prices may vary case-by-case .

****HEY! another thing.... I know you are going to see the "10% more fuel" and "2 hole" injectors (sold as replacements for the 85-87 years) for sale out there. DON'T DO IT.  Toyota designed their fuel system to run on the "lean" side. Adding more fuel is A BAD THING. Poor fuel economy and poor performance is all you are guaranteed with those injectors.

how to order:

OK, here is where it gets real, ready?

  1. If you are going to send your injectors in and are going to arrange your own inbound shipping, go ahead and send them in to the address shown at the bottom of every page. MAKE SURE YOU PUT YOUR CONTACT INFO INSIDE OF THE BOX YOU SEND!!!!! If you do not, there will be a huge delay in getting them done and back on the way to you. Once here, we’ll write an invoice, get them cleaned and tested and when they are ready to ship back, we’ll contact you for payment.

  2. if you’d like us to get you a pre-paid USPS shipping label, go ahead and add the injector set to the cart and also the “inbound USPS” label to your cart and we will email you a pre-paid label to print out. You can get the SMALL FLAT RATE BOX in the lobby of your local post office or at your local postal mailing joint. IF you wan to use an alternate box or if you want to send the UPS, please leave the notes in the comment section when you check out.

Too complicated? Call us here at the shop and we can go over it with you.